Friday, March 9, 2012

Break is Nearly Over...

Spring break is rapidly coming to an end. The horses have enjoyed a well deserved rest and the staff has had a chance to take a breath. Coach Ashley Duda and five students, who spent most of their break in Laurinburg, left today for the Raleigh NCHJA “C” show. They will show Saturday and Sunday and be back for classes on Monday. Meanwhile a few members of the dressage team came back a little early to get a head start on preparations for the dressage show that is March 18th. There is always so much to do to prepare for a show in addition to getting the horses ridden! Routine trimming and mane pulling, laundry, tack cleaning, and tidying up the facility all need to be accomplished for a successful show. Not to mention assigning horse holders for various classes and fitting tack to horses that normally wear jumping saddles etc. It is like putting on a play or other event to have it all run smoothly on the day.

I have been working on the entries and the program and selecting which horses to use. Creating fair and balanced groups is a challenge but is important to make the show as fair as possible. The “luck of the draw” always plays a role, however a good rider should be able to do well with whichever horse they draw. Speaking of luck, the show will have a St. Patrick’s day theme…lets see who ends up with that pot of gold!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best posts that I’ve ever seen; you may include some more ideas in the same theme about Horse Tack. I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughtsfrom your side in your next post.
