Friday, October 16, 2009

Its not all bad – finally some stability at SAPC

The Elephant in the room finally got noticed a week ago last Thursday when we learned that the judge in GA ruled in favor of the Southern Association (SACS) in the long standing lawsuit between us and the accrediting agency. Not a great start to fall break for students, staff or faculty. By the time fall break was over we learned that our programmatic accreditation with the American Academy of Liberal Education (AALE) had been upgraded to institutional preaccreditation effective for the 09-10 academic year with a site visit planned for Spring 2010 for admission to AALE for ten years. Meaning no matter what happens with the appeal process we are fully accredited and will not lose financial aid and other privileges that come with accreditation.

These announcements have created waves of tsunami size throughout the SAPC community. Rumors have been flying and although changes of this sort bring about uncertainty, rumors do not help what is already a stressful situation. Rumors that are unfounded help even less. President Baldasare is addressing the SGA and all students on Monday evening to give students a direct opportunity to ask questions and understand the real implications of the situation. If there was ever a time for the SAPC community to pull together and embrace a new era I would say that it is now!

The legal details and some thought provoking comments are available at

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